Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Least One, Part 2 - The Fulfillment

What does fulfillment look like? On Tuesday, May 6, it looked like a gym full of young people in a public school praising God.

The week before Mother's Day I heard about a revival meeting Braden and friends were planning at the Denham Springs High School gym. One God. One City. One Purpose. 

A lot of planning and work went into the preparation. At least 200 people came. There were a few parents and grandparents there, but mostly high school and college students. The worship was lively! We prayed that this be the beginning of revival in schools across our country. And did I mention that God did this in a public school?  

During the meeting I was reminded and overwhelmed with my verse: "The least one will become and clan and the smallest one a mighty nation." Isaiah 60:22. I knew that here, in this gym, I was seeing fulfillment of this promise made to me in October, 1981.  

The service began with praise, then the announcer told how the meeting came to pass. He said that Braden Doughty had heard from God that they should do the meeting. I remembered that, in the years that Ralph taught the boys Bible study, he always told them that they could expect God to speak to them. God spoke to Braden! And he heard!

I have seen evidence of God's fulfillment of His promises many times, but some moments stand out. They deserve to be memorialized. To be pondered in my heart and written about in my journal. Some are written in the margins of my Bible. This is one!  

To fulfill means to carry out, to bring to realization, to meet all of the conditions of a promise or a contract - to satisfy. There is still much to be done - futures to face, lives to be lived, prayers to be prayed. The youngest of my clan are just four years old! Yet, I saw fulfillment - the bringing to pass of my heart's desire - for all my people to know Him.

Ralph and I have not been great storytellers. I decided that Mother's Day would be the time. As we sat with Jennifer's family around a noisy table in P-Beau's, I told the story of "The Least One" (see my last blog post.). I told Braden how seeing him hear from God and step out in faith is fulfillment of  my promise. I told them all that, however each one came into the family, they are my "clan".  

Braden, I am learning from you to be willing to share the gospel myself!  And for my clan  - it's not all up to me! I am no longer a "least one". I am a clan! Thank you, Lord, for hastening it in it's time! 

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