Monday, February 18, 2008


Hattie Rogers Broadus is 101 years old today! This picture was taken in 2002.

My grandmother Winnie Chatman Mizell, who died in 1982 at age 76, was her first cousin and friend. When MawMaw Winnie was in a nursing home in Gulfport, Hattie, who was older than she, would ride her bike to visit.

When my parents moved to Gulfport after their marriage, Hattie helped them move many times from apartment to apartment, as they didn't have a car. After Daddy died in 1992, Hattie welcomed me into her home where I stayed as we took care of getting Daddy's house ready to sell. Staying there made me feel "mothered" or "grandmothered" again. She's an amazingly strong Christian woman with an incredibly positive attitude in life.

Read the story she told me about surviving smallpox on
P.S. I had written this post in February 18, 2008--Hattie's 101th birthday. On April 15, 2009, Hattie went to be with Jesus. About a week before, Ralph and I visited with her. She had been asking her minister why she was still here. She held my hand and said these most precious words to me: "I'm so glad we still love each other.".

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