Sunday, June 22, 2008
A Reminder
I decided that I need to re-read Romans. I tend to get into devotional books and other things and not just sit down to read the Bible. I've even fallen a bit into what the whole busy, distracted, electronic-connected culture has (even me-always a reader) into not believing that I have the attention span to just sit down and read the Word. Not true!
This is comforting to me right now:
Romans 8:35-39
"Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril or sword?
But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Back to verse 31: "What then can we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"
Monday, March 24, 2008
Bryce Loves to "Dribe"
I don't remember what Bryce's first word was, but one of his first sounds was "n-n-n-n-n" with a little car in his hand. Here he is in 1998 on his roads rug. He would ask us repeatedly to "pay roads". He would say, "I want to dribe." If he wasn't seeing enough action from our assigned hot wheels, he would prod us to action, saying "Dribe!"
I always knew Bryce would teach the younger grandkids to "dribe." He even tried with Madelyn without much success. Here the oldest grandchild (with the help of his brothers) teaches the youngest to "play roads."
And look who wants to follow in the his footsteps! Rylan! He has a few boy cousins in line before him, but by the time he is 11 like Bryce, PawPaw may really need his help!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
A Short Sweet Trip...Very, Very Sweet!
We went to Colorado for a quick trip. Madelyn celebrated her 8th birthday by opening gifts and a meal at Olive Garden, her favorite restaurant.
Here we are playing king, queen, princess and prince.
How many of you remember the 1982 movie "Savannah Smiles"? I remember taking my children to see it at the theatre. Deanna found a copy, and we all watched it together. Talk about nostalgic! Darren was about 8 years old when we first saw it--Madelyn's age now. I was about 34--a year older than Darren is now! I couldn't have told you the story before we started watching, but, every scene was familiar. It's a very sweet story of a little blonde girl with huge brown eyes who runs away from home because her rich parents don't give her enough attention. She ends up in the company of two criminals who she immediately wraps around her little finger. As always, Darren ended up in a hilarious wrestling match with the kids all over him. As I lay there on the couch watching the movie I had seen 26 years before with my 11, 8, and 6 year old children, and seeing my son enjoy his son and daughter, I thought, "It just doesn't get any better than this."
At night, PawPaw slept in Hayden's bottom bunk and Madelyn slept in the room with me. As we lay in bed each night, Madelyn and I continued a tradition she started on the last visit--we asked each other questions. The ingenuity of her questions amazed me, such as "What was your favorite age, and why?" "What was your mother like?" When I commented that she is the only person who asks me such questions, she said, "That's just how girls are!"
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If we love our children enough to bless them with good things, how much more does God love them and desire good for them?
Lord, I will trust you with the well-being of my children and grandchildren!
"I will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there won't be room enough to receive." Mal. 3:10
Monday, February 18, 2008

My grandmother Winnie Chatman Mizell, who died in 1982 at age 76, was her first cousin and friend. When MawMaw Winnie was in a nursing home in Gulfport, Hattie, who was older than she, would ride her bike to visit.
When my parents moved to Gulfport after their marriage, Hattie helped them move many times from apartment to apartment, as they didn't have a car. After Daddy died in 1992, Hattie welcomed me into her home where I stayed as we took care of getting Daddy's house ready to sell. Staying there made me feel "mothered" or "grandmothered" again. She's an amazingly strong Christian woman with an incredibly positive attitude in life.
P.S. I had written this post in February 18, 2008--Hattie's 101th birthday. On April 15, 2009, Hattie went to be with Jesus. About a week before, Ralph and I visited with her. She had been asking her minister why she was still here. She held my hand and said these most precious words to me: "I'm so glad we still love each other.".
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Making Mention of You
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
A Treasure in Heaven
I hurt for Larry and Melanie, too, because, not only did they lose a precious daughter, they also have to watch their son suffer. I pray for Amy's parents as well.
I certainly don't understand. I don't believe that the devil can do anything that God does not allow. The Bible says that it was ordained before the foundation of the world how many years each person will live--Psalm 139:16 "In Your book were written all the days that were ordained for me when as yet there was not one of them." On the other hand, we are told to fight the devil--he comes to steal, kill and destroy, and we know God does heal physical bodies. How it all fits together--I don't know. I don't quess anyone does. I do know that I need to learn more and more to live my life in light of eternity.
I remember hearing that when a person goes before us to heaven, they become a "treasure in heaven" waiting for us.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
We've Moved!
And, look who's hiding out in her cozy spot. Our house came with a dog! We bought my daughter's house, and Brittany, my son-in-law's hunting dog and the boys' pet, stayed behind. Their new house isn't set up for a dog yet, so we have joint custody. Brittany loves to run the three acres here, pointing at squirrels and birds, that is, in sunny weather. When I hear the tinkling of the wind chimes, the next sound I expect to hear is her scratching nervously at the door. She's terrified of thunder and bad weather--post-traumatic stress as a result of the house fire she survived two years ago. As you can see, she has it made when I'm home on cold, rainy afternoons.
I had hoped the picture wouldn't show that the dormers haven't yet been painted, but it does. Nonetheless, we're making progress!