Friday, July 27, 2007


Our entire family spent a whole week at the beach in June. It had been four years since we had all been together for a vacation, since my son and his family moved away for his residency. I am so thankful for this special family time and especially for our new little grandson who was born in January--the portrait wouldn't have been complete without him. I felt like my grandmother when she used to say, "all my chicks under one roof!".
I finally got the family portrait I longed for. Handsome group, huh? Thank you, Lord.


jennifer said...

The blog looks good. I'm glad you decided to do it.

Deanna said...

I love it!!! I looks great!!!

jennifer said...

OK, you've been tagged for the first time. Go look at my last entry to see what. You don't have to participate if you don't want to.